Getting out of overthinking

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In this Getting out of Overthinking Workbook you will learn the key starting points to reducing overthinking and experiencing a more intentionally active life.

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    Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

    Carl Jung

    What you get:

    This is a workbook that offers key insights into the impact overthinking can have on our daily lives. It offers some straightforward strategies to help you get out of your head and more actively engage in your daily activites and life intentions.

    What is it all about?

    Learn how to get out of overthinking and build empowered forward movement that helps you fully embrace your life.

    Constantly caught in overthinking and overwhelm and not sure how to stop this?

    Would you like to reduce your overthinking and feel more in control of your thoughts?

    Build deeper awareness of your overthinking patterns and work through the key steps in this workbook to help reduce your overthinking and begin to be more actively present in your life.